Let Us Help You Find Your Next Set Of Tires

Discover your ideal set of tires at Diehl Auto, where we provide a diverse range of top tire brands, 2-year Road Hazard Protection, and Diehl Auto's Best Price Guarantee, guaranteeing you exceptional value.


Best Tire Price 7-Day Guarantee

Rest easy, knowing that for every tire purchase, you've not only secured the most competitive prices but also safeguarded yourself from unexpected and costly tire replacements.

After acquiring tires at Diehl Auto, should you come across a better price within 7 days (inclusive of mounting, balancing, taxes, and fees), we'll gladly refund you 110% of the price difference.

At Diehl Auto, we understand that tire prices are subject to fluctuations due to changes in rubber and oil markets, and we actively monitor and adjust our prices daily to remain competitive with all other tire sources. Additionally, tire manufacturers periodically offer rebates, and we keep a close eye on these releases, passing the rebate forms on to our customers to maximize their savings. Our goal is to provide you with peace of mind and save you the time and hassle of shopping around.


If you happen to come across a better price, please submit your claim below, including your first and last name, a daytime phone number, along with a scan or screen capture of the offer. Once we receive your information, we will verify the better price and promptly send you a refund for 110% of the difference by mail.


To be eligible for this offer, the competitive offer must meet the following criteria:

  • Match the exact same brand, model, size, speed rating, load rating, and Road Hazard protection of the installed tire(s).
  • Be located within a 50-mile radius of any Diehl Auto Dealerships.
  • Upload a screen capture or scan of the competitive offer within 7 days of the tire installation.*

Please note that the submitted offer must include the place of business, the better price offered (inclusive of mounting, balancing, taxes, and other fees), and comprehensive tire details (including brand, model, size, speed rating, and load rating). The tire offer must precisely match the brand, model, size, speed rating, and load rating of the installed tire(s). If there are additional shipping costs for the tires, the shipping cost must be factored into the tire's price before the comparison is made. It's important to keep in mind that speed rating and load rating significantly affect pricing, and we adhere to Pennsylvania law, which stipulates that the load rating must meet the manufacturer's requirements as indicated on the door jamb of your vehicle.

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Diehl Automotive

Diehl Collision

8 Locations

Butler, PA • Robinson, PA • Grove City, PA • Washington, PA • Cranberry, PA • Ford City, PA • Hermitage, PA • Massillon, OH